Xponent Trip Application
Dear Great Commission Friend,
Thank you for your personal interest in the world of missions! We anticipate incredible opportunities to serve and know the Spirit of God is already preparing the hearts of those with whom we will serve and with whom we will share the Gospel during this year’s XPONENT Trips. We praise God for the numbers of people who accepted Christ last year as well as those hot-hearted disciples who trained and planted numerous new churches all to the Glory of God! We look forward to joining our Lord in the work He is already doing as we trust Him for many more opportunities to share Jesus Christ with people all over the world.
As a member of one of our teams, you will make a strategic impact for the cause of Christ on our trips. Everyone who goes on an XPONENT trip will have the opportunity to experience the thrilling privilege of being used to lead people of varied and diverse backgrounds to a saving knowledge of Christ. Also on our trips, you will leave a lasting legacy by assisting in the planting of mission churches that will continue discipling these new believers and reaching their immediate neighborhood with the Gospel! Medical clinics, veterinary assistance, women or children’s ministries are all potential ministry components we may use as we seek platforms to share Jesus Christ and serve the under-reached.
During the XPONENT Trip, you will team up with some key national believers (and translators where necessary) and present the Gospel of Christ to neighborhood residents. Depending on the need and your abilities, you may take blood pressures at the clinic or play games and teach Bible stories to children. You may treat the herds of the nomadic tribes as the gospel is shared or share/teach at men’s and women’s conferences. Each afternoon or evening, where admissible, you will participate in an evangelistic meeting in that very neighborhood calling men and women to faith in Jesus Christ and getting them grounded in the Word of God. The days will be full but full of the right “stuff”- seeing new brothers and sisters in Christ; men, women, boys and girls being ministered to and then the worship and praise to an Awesome God! It really doesn’t get any better than this!
After the XPONENT Trip, each new believer is followed-up and discipled in home Bible studies and pastoral visits. When possible and where prudent, we will provide Bibles and literature for these new believers. They will be encouraged to attend the new church just starting in their area or another local evangelistic church in their neighborhood.
You will be a vital part of this exciting and most rewarding ministry. Many people say it is one of the greatest spiritual experiences of their life. There is no limit to what God can do through you as you yield yourself to the indwelling power of Christ! Let Him use you for His glory!
Please take a few moments right now to review this material, and then promptly complete the information forms and return them today. We thank you for your sincere commitment to reaching those for whom Christ died and look forward to serving with you very soon!
NOTE: Your trip fee covers airfare, hotel, meals on witnessing work days, ground transportation, literature, travel insurance and initial follow-up funding for the new churches, if applicable. It does not include meals for travel days and the one day off, and is subject to airfare increases. There may be an additional charge for airfare if you are traveling from a city other than the departure city noted on the trip brochure.
Your partners in the Gospel,
The team at XPONENT Ministries
Please click each box below to print off the form and take the appropriate action. You may then either scan & upload(preferred) at end of this application or simply mail back hard copies of each completed form. Your application will be not be considered complete without these signed forms.